Mike Tidwell of Takoma Park. Maryland has decided to go green. Tidwell has outfitted his home with solar panels on the roof, soy-based insulation, a corn-burning stove, and energy efficient appliances. Concerned about his contribution to greenhouse gases, Tidwell has made great strides to reduce his carbon footprint. Tidwell said to the Washington Post, “"I'm not living in a cave and freezing to death. The point is, this is do-able." What happens on cloudy days when Tidwell can’t collect enough solar power? Simple. Tidwell also has backup power connected to his home from Washington’s energy supplier PEPCO. PEPCO has green alternatives to “standard” electricity. Buyers can choose from 100% wind-generated energy or 100% green-electricity.
This wave of “greening” the home isn’t just restricted to Tidwell. Washington area-based Chesapeake Wind&Solar, a company that installs solar panels, has seen business double every year for the last three years.
Tidwell hold open houses every two months to showcase his green home to others interested in the community. What does Tidwell have to say to the world? "There are people who say it cannot be done. I've done it, and I've done it on a budget, and I have a great life."